(We are no longer using this feature) Our fun Clustrmap --every time a new visitor
clicks on our site, we get a red dot.
The map counts visits, not hits (page views.)
In honor of our upcoming one year anniversary (April 1, 2011) we finally updated the countries listed on our Clustermap. During the first several weeks of the project The Sisters couldn't wait to look at the map, announce new dots, and learn about each new place. Soon there were new dots, so many dots, it was hard to keep track of the new ones. So there was a bit of sleuthing and list organizing to keep track. It took us a while to figure out all our newest countries, since last June, but we did and we updated Covering the Globe (click the link to see how BFWP is growing out into the world.)
The Avenue of Baobabs in Madagascar --know anyone in there? Please share the project with them, we cannot wait to learn about reading on Madagascar! |
One BIG part of the Books for Walls Project is learning about the world --the random visits (red dots) spark interest in places-- this morning we talked about Baobab trees (as we dreamed of making it to Madagascar), learned a little more about Israel and talked about Morocco and how close it is to Spain (and thought about The Sisters' uncle who rode a camel in Morocco!) Remember when we reached Antarctica and made a new friend?
We are so close to reaching all 50 states only one more to go: Delaware! If you know any bibliophiles in Delaware, please share the project with them. We have a great way to celebrate reaching all 50 states, so please help us get there and find out what it is!
The Sisters voted to clear the map regularly (monthly) so that they can keep track of the data more simply. That way it will be easier to note new countries as they pop up. We are working on a big wall map with fun red push pins to update each new country. Who knew keeping track of red dots could be so much fun?
Learn a little about the places BFWP has been since June, each country has a link, click it!
Argentina, Bahamas, Bangladesh, Bolivia, Brazil, Cambodia, China, Colombia , Costa Rica , Czech Republic, Denmark, Ecuador, France, Hungary, Indonesia, Iraq, Israel, Italy, Japan, Jersey, Kuwait, Lebanon, Luxembourg, Mexico, Morocco, Norway, Pakistan, Panama, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Serbia, Slovenia, Switzerland, Taiwan, and Turkey
Visit Covering the Globe to see all the maps and watch how the internet can spread an idea... all over the globe! So far this has been an amazing way to teach two little girls (and their parents) about our amazing world. We hope you enjoy too!
Please take a moment, click here, and tell us where in the
wonderful world that you are from!
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