08 July 2010

The Bean's Bedside Book List

This just in from The Bean! 

If you are wondering exactly who The Bean is we will let you in on a little secret --she is also known as Kathleen, Wif, Aunt Kathy, Nana, Mom, Mommy and Kathy, her full name is Kathleen Madge Maureen Horan Daniels.  Next week we will formally introduce you to her. AND we are happy to announce that she will be offering next week's Challenge!

And now these words from The Bean:
"What a great challenge! 

Just like Corduroy, the huggable bear, waiting to be loved, my books stand in "readiness" waiting to be soaked in. I, like many of you, read several books at once depending on my mood and interest at the moment. My books also display my pre-retirement trade as a career counselor along with my artistic and gardening avocations.
I was reflecting that 6 of these books were given or recommended to me by family or good friends who know me well. 
Another Country by Mary Pipher, PhD – almost finished; loved it as the post-its will tell. It’s the one in front minus the cover which I hope I can find.
Grand River and Joy by Susan Messer – about Detroit where I lived for 40 years.
Listening to the Heartbeat of God: A Celtic Spirituality by J. Philip Newell 
Drawing Flowers & Botanicals by Diane Cardaci 
The Tent of Abraham: Stories of Hope and Peace for Jews, Christians, and Muslims by Joan Chittister, OSB, Murshid Saadi Shakur Chishti, and Rabbi Arthur Waskow
The Enneagram II: Advancing Spiritual Discernment by Richard Rohr, OFM
The Wisdom of the Wilderness by Gerald G. May
Landscaping with Native Plants of Michigan by Lynn M. Steiner
Sometimes, I just grab a magazine like the National Geographic, Sojourners, or RealSimple. Most stories (from compelling to curious, from educational to frivolous), pictures, and recipes are amazing.
Last but not least is my basket with the dictionary for new found words; along with post-its, pencils, and highlighters (if the book is mine, I definitely highlight and write in it!)"


  1. Just wanted to say thanks to The Bean for having my book on her bedside table and featured front and center in her basket. This website is a wonderful celebration of a family of readers.

  2. Thanks Susan for reading the blog and my bedside challenge answer. “booksforwallsproject.org” instills in the reader a sense that reading is much much more (as the Sisters said in their premiere video!)

    A friend lent us your book. My husband read it first. The scene of the Detroit store owner and tenant revealing what it means to be Jewish and Black over a “softening” bottle in the store basement was heart-rending. I look forward to reading your book.

    I love Detroit (where we lived thru thick & thin for 40 years) and the Hope in the Human Spirit that it signifies. Appreciation … and spread the word about the goodness of this site! :-)
