14 May 2010

Stardust vs Stardust and Garrett Heads to Space

On Fridays we ask the question:  Is the Book Always Better than the Movie?  

The Mom and the Dad have a movie that comes in neutral: Stardust.  Mom thinks the book, Dad thinks the movie, but book and movie are both favorites (the Sisters haven't read/watched, yet.) The American Library Association called Stardust, the book, "one of the top ten books written for adults that have special appeal to young adults."  Stardust, the movie was well received, even if picked apart by the NY Times (click here for the review and clips of the movie,) most reviews were good to excellent.

If you are curious and wonder how author Neil Gaiman gets involved in turning one of his books into a movie read this interview with MTV. Gaiman is no stranger to written word to screen adaptations, his Newberry Award Winning The Graveyard Book is on a roller coaster ride from point A (book) to point B (silver screen) --read about it here.

Help us decide Is the Book Always Better than the Movie, tell us about your favorite movie adaptations,  post in the comments below.

*This in from NASA: 
The Space Shuttle Program Mission Management Team met at 4:15 a.m. EDT and gave a “go” to begin loading shuttle Atlantis’ external tank with more than 500,000 gallons of liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen. The operation began on time at 4:55 a.m. Launch is targeted for 2:20 p.m. There is a 70 percent chance of favorable weather for launch. 
The Bean and The Poet are joining us... we can't wait to watch Garrett Reisman take off on his mission!  To watch the launch preps and the launch live click here for NASA TV.  Know any astronauts?  Share us with them help us reach our space goals!
Happy Weekend!  Have you taken a Challenge lately? Start Here.

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