01 April 2010


The Books for Walls Project started in April 2010 simply because The Four of Us wondered: can technology and books and libraries all get along? Thankfully, dozens of Weekly Reading Challenges and loads of research later, we learned that technology, books and libraries can be a match made in heaven –it just depends on your perspective. Our website was created to support literacy, libraries and book love.

 Here is where you Begin:

Imagine you are a child.  Imagine you just learned to read.  Now, explore the project.  You see, here at The Books for Walls Project we just want you to think of a book and tell us about it.

Now, start clicking.  We created a little playground (for us and for you) to share books and library love(with you and with us.) 

Imagine you dropped a big basket of ping-pong balls --instead of picking them up, here you have to click them up-- as you navigate through the project by clicking on links and posting your comments.

Tell us about the books you LOVE.  At The Books for Walls Project everyday is a good day to read a book --we are glad you came.

Here are some tips to get you started:

  • Learn about who we are at The Faces Behind the Books
  • @ Herstory History Yourstory you'll learn our story and tell us yours
  • Go to The Challenges can take as many and as often as you like!

  • Now have fun with us and come back soon! 

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